
Chapter 295 Conniving Council Members

Chapter 295 Conniving Council Members

While his spies were carefully watching the three men make their way through the city, Quallace contacted his fellow council member, Lord Bikkem.

"Bikkem, I’ve figured out the third man. We won’t have to worry."

"Oh? Then who is he and why is he among such powerful men?" Bikkem asked.

"Get this. That kid is Argyle’s new son-in-law, but he’s not even lv. 30," Quallace laughed. "But he’s also the rumored hero with a Hell-flame Fox, so we can’t completely forget about him."

"Hmmm... So they’re relying on Argyle for the most part with Tralon taking a supporting role... And the boy is probably there as support with his beast to help keep the mobs in the dungeon from going too wild..." Bikkem began to pick apart the small party’s possible formations.

"And that’s why you’re the man in charge of the war effort."

Bikkem scoffed, "Tell that to Tralon. Sure, he ended up being correct in the end, but he still went around the other council members to investigate international affairs. That’s a direct breach of our code and our trust!"

"Well, now we can personally remind the old bat why he’s supposed to go through us," added Quallace. "Without us, how would Trodar ward off the threat of invasion on three fronts? Just our presence in Trodar scares the surrounding nations."

"How far are we taking this, Quallace?"

"I just spoke with Kaldor from Golden Haven. He’s on his way and will be entering after us to help control Argyle. Then, we’ll be able to overwhelm that old war hero and the pitiful son-in-law," explained Quallace. "And don’t worry about the association. If the kid dies then it’ll only cause a minor issue with the association that we can patch easily."

"Good... Then, shall we get going? Once they enter, we shouldn’t wait too long to follow."

"Right, but let me call the others. Since Kaldor will be joining us, I’m sure they’ll be willing."

As their conversation ended, Quallace started a new one. "Kims, are you ready?"

"My sword is sharpened and ready to clear a dungeon. It’s been too long!" laughed the other council member.

"Calm down, we won’t be doing any fighting unless necessary," Quallace stated, reminding the youngest and newest council member. "We’re letting Argyle and Tralon handle that, but we won’t have to worry about Argyle or that third man anymore. Kaldor’s on his way and the third man is only Argyle’s son-in-law."

"Oh... But I want a battle!" roared Kims. "Every since I became a council member, I’ve been cooped up in the city. Now, I can finally let loose a little and you’re telling me we’re not doing anything?"

"There will be a battle and there will be blood but we’ll be facing Tralon’s party instead. Wouldn’t that prove more fun than some mobs in a dungeon?"


"And once it’s all over, I’m sure you’ll be able to pick up a new sword from the storehouse vault. How’s that for motivation?" persuaded Quallace.

"I’m in. I’ll be waiting near the storehouse for you and Bikkem to arrive," Kims agreed.

"It’s not just us. Vixus may tag along as well."

"Oh... interesting. Then I’ll wait for you three at the storehouse."

With two council members convinced to join their crusade, Quallace called one last council member as an extra guarantee. He didn’t want to call too many of them though, as many would flat out reject the idea of entering the storehouse, let alone attacking a fellow council member like Tralon. Also, he didn’t want to spit all of the priceless loot among too many people. Five was already enough.

"Vixus, have you heard the news?"

A sharp, sophisticated voice replied, "Something about Argyle and Tralon paying a visit to the storehouse. I figured that you might get yourself involved. Is Bikkem tagging along?"

"Bikkem and Kims are both joining me. Also, Kaldor from Golden Haven is already on his way to help us control Argyle. All we have to do is aid him and overpower Tralon," stated Quallace. "Argyle’s son-in-law tagged along as support for them, but he’s too low-leveled to cause much worry."

"Hmmm... Then why are you calling me if you’ve already guaranteed your victory?"

"Vixus, with your beasts you’ll be able to help control or maybe even tame some of the wild beasts in the storehouse. With you joining us, then we can kiss that pompous pain of a council member goodbye and we’ll be the first council members to access the treasures of the failing Leisure Guild," reasoned Quallace.

"Well... That doesn’t sound like a bad offer if I’m being honest," stated Vixus. "But you’re sure that we’ll succeed?"

"Vixus, there’s no need--"

"Tralon is the greatest war hero in all of Kartonia and he’ll be working alongside Argyle, the impassioned man who brought the Fat Goose Guild to the forefront of the continent in a matter of a few years," Vixus argued. "And that son-in-law may be weak, but he’s still a member of the association and he’s got a Hell-flame Fox. Taking everything into consideration, it doesn’t sound like so simple a raid."

Quallace sighed, "Vixus, that’s why we want you to join us. If you say no, then we’ll just go on without you but that means you’ll have to accept whatever treasures we leave behind."

"I didn’t say I was against it..." added Vixus. "What I want is the first pick of the vault among the council members. Kaldor will take his share, but I want to be able to choose my winnings before you or the other council members."

"You drive a hard bargain... as usual," Quallace sighed again in annoyance. "Fine. You’ll get first pick among the council members. But you’d better be at the storehouse by the time we enter. We’re not waiting for you."

"I’m already en route."

"Of course you are... Then we’ll be seeing you soon."

With that over with, Quallace called Bikkem one last time. "Bikkem, they’re both joining us, but Kims will be a bit battle hungry and Vixus would only join if I gave him the first pick of the vault."

"That’s fine by me," stated Bikkem. "I’m sure there will be plenty of treasures tucked away inside the vault, so that’s the least of my worries. We’ll have to be on our toes during all this. We must remain close enough to monitor them yet far enough away to not be found by either of those two veteran warriors. It’ll be tricky, but doable."

"I’m glad to hear that. With you coordinating everything alongside Kims on the frontline, I can decimate them from a distance while Vixus and his pets will control the tempo. Then, once Kaldor arrives to join the fray, there will be no stopping us from reclaiming Trodar’s ancient treasures," Quallace chuckled.

"Just keep your head on straight. It will be simple so long as we play our cards right and we aren’t unlucky," added Bikkem. "Don’t forget about the dungeon itself. No one knows what it’s like in there and legend only states that it was unpredictable."

"Then we’ll do as you said. We stay close enough to Tralon that we can find our way, yet far enough to remain hidden. And we’ll leave some kind of marker for Kaldor when he arrives. How’s that?"

Bikkem smiled. "That’s manageable."

"Just remember, Bikkem. After all this, we’ll finally get the two things we’ve wanted. Tralon will be gone and we’ll gain everything inside the storehouse," laughed Quallace.

"Right. High risk, high reward. How many potions did you find in the end?"

With a sigh of disappointment, Quallace replied, "After searching the other shops, I’ve got one high potion, eight high health potions, and six high elixirs."

"That’s it?!"

"Tralon and Argyle bought nearly my entire stock, something I hadn’t considered."

Bikkem clicked his tongue. "Well, if all goes to plan then this should be enough to handle a few hiccups."

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