
Chapter 7 Jezelles Challenge

Chapter 7 Jezelle“s Challenge

Jack entered the lobby and saw Zariff fallen over the broken bar, grabbing at every bottle he can get his hands on. He chuckled at the bumbling giant of a man and glanced at the man’s daughter hiding behind the reception desk. Maura was busy filling out reports and stamping documents for official use and distribution of the association.

While wondering how to kill time, his stomach growled at him like a grumpy child that didn’t get his way. He walked over to Maura and asked, "What’s a guy gotta do around here to get some food?"

"Normally, I’d tell you to ask the cook but she’s out handling some personal business. She should be back in a few days though," said Maura.

"And until then?"

"Fend for yourself, what else?" laughed Maura. "There’s always the restaurant across the street. Papa’s friends with the owner, she’s really nice. She even gives association members a discount."

"But how do I do that if I don’t have any money?" asked Jack.

"Well..." Maura paused and didn’t let herself finish. She thought to herself, leaving Jack somewhat anxious before she continued. "Just forget it."

"Huh?" Jack could tell that Maura was hiding something. "What is it? There’s a way for me to eat free, isn’t there?"

"It’s not impossible for some people, but it’s definitely not possible for you."

"Oh, why’s that? Is there some kind of challenge?" questioned Jack.

"It’s not that simple. Besides, you can’t possibly beat Jezelle’s challenge," stated Maura firmly. She turned away from Jack, refusing to say more.

"Come on Maura, just tell me. I’m a big boy, I can decide that for myself." Jack repositioned himself in front of Maura and leaned over the desk. "What’s so scary about Jezelle’s challenge. She must be the owner, right?" Maura’s shoulder continued to grow colder but another loud, booming voice answered from the bar. "Hey, did you fellas hear that? Mr. Hero is gonna take on Jezelle’s challenge! Atta’ boy!"

"Papa, don’t encourage him!" Maura spoke up. "You know he can’t do something as crazy as that. Even you struggle with it."

"Nonsense! Let the brat try and man up. If he can beat Jezelle’s challenge, I’ll let him have whatever he wants." Zariff’s laughter sounded out across the entire building, catching everyone’s attention. Soon bodies filled the reception and bar areas. He jumped to his feet and made his way to the door saying, "Come on, let’s all watch the brat fail!"

Jack watched as the once-quiet lobby now filled with liveliness. Unsure of what to think he said, "Well, it’s too late to try and back out now isn’t it? I’ll see you there."

Not listening to Maura’s counterargument, Jack exited through the front door with the rest of the crowd. He scanned the building across the street, surprised at what he saw. In big, bold letters, there was a sign that read, "Jezelle’s" in worn-out pink. The rest of the building was made of wood and used a simple dark stain to contrast the eye-catching sign. To Jack, it looked like a big saloon out of an old western movie, minus the swinging door at the entrance.

Following the herd of adventures entering the restaurant, it took Jack a few minutes to make it inside. Once there he didn’t have a chance to look around before he was yelled at. "There’s the brat! He gonna take you on Jezelle. I hope you wipe the floor with him."

Brushing aside Zariff’s commentary with a smug face, Jack noticed the blonde beauty beside the drunken giant. Her curves were perfect, putting hourglasses to shame. She was slightly taller than the average woman, showing off her long legs through the slit in her ruby red dress. Jack was stuck staring at her before she spoke, "Are you checking out the competition? What do you think?"

Taken aback by her statement, Jack gathered his thoughts and replied, "Wow, you’re something else aren’t you?"

Hearing Jack’s nonchalant response and seeing that his confident eyes continued to stay on her, she smirked, "You seem pretty interesting yourself. I don’t get many like you here. Most people aren’t confident enough to keep staring after I call them out. The name’s Jezelle, and you’re Jack, right?"

"Yeah, that’s me. When I heard about a challenge that even Zariff struggles with, I never would have expected that someone as beautiful would be the culprit."

"There’s a lot you don’t know about me." She batted her eyelashes at him as she slowly approached. "So, Jack, are you ready to take me on?"

"Well, I’m sure if I should consider getting rough and tough with someone like you," said Jack. Jezelle was confused by his reluctance until she heard his next line. "With someone like you, who knows if I can hold myself back."

Jezelle giggled and walked faster. "Oh really? And what makes you think we need to get rough and tough? You’re not trying to beat me in bed, you’re trying to beat me at the keg."

Startled at Jezelle’s boldness, Jack noticed that Zariff had disappeared earlier only to reappear with two massive kegs behind him. Jack laughed, "That’s what this is all about? And you guys were worried for me because of this?"

"You’re pretty cocky for a lv. 1 adventurer, or should I say, hero?"

"Huh? How do you know about that?" asked Jack.

She was now a couple of feet from him and whispered, "Trade secret. Now, are we gonna do this or what?"

"You’re on!" Not letting his mind wander about Jezelle’s striking figure any longer, Jack made his way to the large table in the center with the two kegs atop it. Two mugs were sitting next to the kegs, both almost as big as Jack’s head. Before he could grab one, Jezelle was sitting down with a mug already filled and ready. In seconds he matched her. "First to puke loses?"

She shook her head and said, "First to finish wins. Puke and you’re disqualified. Got it?"

Jack nodded and they both turned to Zariff. With a great passion, the drunk yelled, "Down the hatches!"

The two of them immediately lifted the mugs upside down and guzzled down the first glass. Jezelle was slightly faster but Jack wasn’t left behind by any means. They both went strong for a few more glasses before Jack took a few deep breathes started to slow a little. "What’s the matter? Do you need me to teach you how to hold your liquor?"

Jack held strong against the distraction of her alluring gaze. After downing the next cup he chuckled, "So what exactly happens if I win?"

"Oh? They never told you?" she giggled and paused for only a moment to explain. "Anyone who beats me can have whatever they want from my restaurant, free of charge."

"And if I lose?"

"When you lose, you’ll have to pay for both of our kegs," Jezelle smiled devilishly, it was cold yet enchanting.

"What if I don’t have any money?" asked Jack.

"Then you and I will have to find some other form of payment."

"In that case," Jack put his mug down have finished, "it appears I’m full to the brim. I guess I’ll have to pay you back with the only thing I have, my body."

Many faces in the crowd were stunned hearing Jack’s nonsense. Zariff couldn’t contain his laughter and fell to the floor holding his gut. Maura, who had only recently entered the restaurant and was amidst the crowd, became somewhat annoyed and angry at Jack for admitting such words. Even Rydel had crept into the crowd and showed a big smile on his face.

Jezelle on the other had a perplexed expression on her face. Seeing it, no one would’ve imagined her current thoughts. She became very curious of her challenger.

Throughout the years many have challenged her, and the winners can be counted on a single hand. It was rare for her to meet another man that could keep up with her this far and even stay sober enough to say such a thing genuinely. Not to mention the fact that he’s only lv. 1, someone considered a weakling that could be beaten up by anyone in the whole city. Yet despite his lv. 1 status, he was confident enough to challenge her and even goad her on throughout the challenge.

"You are interesting Jack," Jezelle showed a genuine smile before she picked up the pace and downed another 2 cups easily. Jack was startled by this and again became competitive. He tried to pick up the pace but was only slowed down as he finally became sluggish. She spoke up, "Finally had enough?"

Jack shook his head and forced himself to finish the contents of his mug. With hands extended to refill it, Jack began to feel a churning sensation come up his throat. He did his best to hold himself back but the laughing Zariff intervened and slammed his hand on Jack’s back.

Immediately, Jack regurgitated the hard liquor from his stomach, projecting it towards the two cups being refilled and the pretty lady across from him.

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