
Chapter 131: Recruiting Kang Ha-Na (1)

Chapter 131: Recruiting Kang Ha-Na (1)

I shook my head. "Ms. Kang said if you and your team sincerely apologize and submit a written apology, you\'d be forgiven with just a one-month salary cut. You can cover that with your bonus, right?"

Park In-Ki\'s eyes widened. "R-really? Ms. Kang said that?"


Park In-Ki was silent for a while before reaching out to pour the half-filled bottle of soju into an empty glass.

Then, he started cursing at himself. "Sigh, damn it. What a fucking disgrace!"

Park In-Ki downed the soju in one shot and frowned. "Ugh, that\'s really bitter."

After a long sigh, Park In-Ki bowed his head and said to me, "I\'m sorry... and thank you so much, Assistant Manager Jung."

"Don\'t mention it. Please, raise your head."

When Park In-Ki lifted his head, I could see tears welling up in his eyes.

"You\'re the one who asked Ms. Kang to forgive us, aren\'t you?"

I kept my mouth shut and just smiled.

"Assistant Manager Jung, no, Yoon-Ho. I feel a bit embarrassed to say this, but why are you being so nice to me? Didn\'t Lee Tae-Poong almost lose his contract for that drama because of me? And you\'re just going to forgive me and let that pass?"

"What\'s there not to forgive? And..."


I slowly spoke as I filled Park In-Ki\'s empty soju glass, "I don\'t want to be alone."


I poured soju into my own empty glass with a bitter expression and also downed it in one shot. The cold and sharp soju burned down my throat, igniting a warm sensation in my stomach.

"My goal is to make our Actor Division 2 the best, but I can\'t do it alone. The Suhyaejong line is sticking together and we need to do the same."

"But could someone like me be of any help?"

I nodded at Park In-Ki\'s self-deprecating words. "Why not, Mr. Park?"

I had been bold and unhesitant since my regression in an effort to stand against Kim Dong-Soo because I thought being complacent would put me at a disadvantage. This might have made Park In-Ki and his team feel powerless, but the truth was they were also competent individuals.

"I\'ll do better, Mr. Park. So let\'s work together."

I could feel Park In-Ki\'s gaze fixed on me. Contrary to the bustling atmosphere of the surrounding bars, a silence hovered over our table.

I filled my glass again while waiting for Park In-Ki to speak.


But as the soju glass was about half-filled, Park In-Ki grabbed the soju bottle from my hand.

"Don\'t pour your own drink. It\'s said to bring bad luck."

Park In-Ki\'s voice was husky with emotion. The slight tremor in his hand as he poured the drinks spoke volumes about his feelings.

"Thank you, Mr. Park."

"Thank me? I\'m the one who\'s more grateful."

Feeling a bit uncomfortable by the somber mood, I made a fuss on purpose.

"Ah, Mr. Park! You\'ve had quite a bit to drink. Look at you shaking so much already!"

Park In-Ki filled my glass to the brim and then raised his own.


"Yes, sir."

"I\'m sorry for being such a pathetic sunbae. I\'ll look forward to your support from now on. I\'ve been pushed around here and there and almost went astray, but that won\'t happen from now on. I\'ll apologize sincerely to Ms. Kang and to the chief as well."

"What\'s past is past. Sharing a drink like this from time to time will smooth everything over."

Park In-Ki nodded and reached his glass out.

We clinked our glasses and downed the soju in one go. With that shot of soju, we let bygones be bygones.

Afterward, Park In-Ki called all his team members and actors for a second round. That night, I once again pledged to look after every member of Actor Division 2. It was a bit painful to drink so much, but the outcome was more than satisfying.

Thanks to Park In-Ki taking the lead and creating a united atmosphere, my words were well received.

\'Indeed, a lead role cannot exist without supporting roles.\'

Even if I were to become the lead in this life, I planned to walk alongside every supporting role around me.

This second life was essentially an opportunity for me to live in such a way.


KNET Broadcasting Station.

Today was the first recording day for the Korea-Japan joint audition project, Global Produce 47 at KNET Broadcasting Station.

Global Produce 47 was a show where a total of 99 participants, 41 from Japan\'s mega girl group AKC47 and 58 trainees from Korean agencies, competed to be one of the 11 global idols.

My target for today, Kang Ha-Na, would make her first appearance here.

She was one of the three trainees from Icestone Entertainment and was eliminated in the first round in my past life. However, she would go on to achieve great success by singing her own compositions and using MeTube after moving to Hoop Entertainment.

She would become a future top star with nicknames such as the Voice of an Angel, MeTube Queen, and Music Chart Mafia.

But currently, she was no different than a hidden pearl in the mud.

Thanks to coming to the broadcast station with Lee Dong-Min, I received a staff pass and watched the filming preparations on-site.

As Lee Dong-Min sipped the coffee I had made for him, he asked, "Yoon-Ho, aren\'t you capable of recruiting a trainee by yourself?"

"Oh, you know I wouldn\'t even be able to get a staff pass on my own."

"That\'s true. You should have just said yes when they asked to have Cherry Blossom on the congratulatory stage.\'

Cherry Blossom had been number one for five weeks so far. Every broadcasting station\'s PD was eager to have Cherry Blossom appear on their show, so just promising their appearance could have easily secured me a staff pass.

However, making a deal with Ahn Jun-Hee, the PD of Global Produce 47, was absolutely out of the question. Ahn Jun-Hee might be talented in creating bold concepts and sensational editing that led to successful broadcasts, but he had a fatal flaw.

[Everyday V10]

[Date: December 10th, 2020]

-04:00 PM Singer Division 1 Strategy Meeting. 2F Meeting Room. (Report) Global Produce 47 PD Ahn Jun-Hee urgently arrested for manipulating viewer votes.

In a few months, it would be revealed that agencies of few trainees, PD Ahn Jun-Hee, and some of the production team conspired to rig the audition rankings, resulting in the arrest of several production members.

After a brief consideration, I subtly let Lee Dong-Min know.

"I was actually going to mention that, Mr. Lee. You should avoid getting involved with PD Ahn in the future."

Lee Dong-Min took another sip of his coffee and asked why. "PD Ahn might be fussy, but he\'s not the kind of trash you can\'t associate with. So what makes you say that?"

There was not a single PD who refused simple benefits. Money and alcohol entertainment were the basic passive incentives, and it was not uncommon for some PDs to make even more inhumane requests.

Surely, Lee Dong-Min was aware of this reality. However, he seemed puzzled because Ahn Jun-Hee was known for his meticulous management of his external image.

"I heard rumors that Mr. Ahn manipulated the rankings last year in exchange for money from a major agency."

Lee Dong-Min\'s eyes widened. "Wh-where did you hear such a thing?"

"At a dinner with KNET\'s assistant directors."

"Who said that?"

"It seemed like all the assistant directors at the table knew about it."

When I said I couldn\'t remember who specifically mentioned it, Lee Dong-Min let out a deep sigh. With three assistant directors under Ahn Jun-Hee and nearly 100 in the entire KNET, there was no way he could figure out who it was that mentioned such a matter.

Lee Dong-Min was deep in thought.

"But this project involves a Japanese partner too. Would they really pull such a risky move again?"

"They might. I\'ve heard things could be even worse in Japan."

That\'s when Ahn Jun-Hee appeared as if on cue.

"Hey! Look who we have here. Chief Lee Dong-Min!? How long has it been since we last saw each other? Let\'s show our faces more often!"

Upon Ahn Jun-Hee\'s arrival, Lee Dong-Min quickly changed his demeanor and responded.

"Ah, you know how busy it\'s been with Cherry Blossom\'s activities."

"Ah, yes. Only Lee Dong-Min could revive a fading girl group so spectacularly. Anyway, how\'s the place looking to you?"

"I can\'t offer you anything even if you flatter me like this. But you\'ve really invested a lot in the stage, huh? The production cost must be no joke."

The grandeur of the altar-like stage, 40 meters wide and 12 meters high, was unparalleled. The vast and movable stage in the shape of a diamond was unimaginable in cost.

"It sure did cost a lot. Any chance you\'d appear as a guest judge?"

"Come on! I told you I\'m busy."

At that moment, Ahn Jun-Hee\'s gaze met mine after finishing his conversation with Lee Dong-Min and he asked, "Who\'s this?"

Lee Dong-Min introduced me rather grandly. "Oh, let me introduce the both of you. This is Assistant Manager Jung, the actual ace who produced Cherry Blossom."

"Ah! The rumored secret weapon of Hoop Entertainment?"

\'Secret weapon?\' I wondered.

"Seems like you don\'t know all the small talk going around, do you?"

Lee Dong-Min chuckled and replied, "People usually don\'t know about their own rumors."

"Is that so?" Ahn Jun-Hee responded with a sparkle in his eyes as he scanned me from head to toe.

"Not bad looking either..." he added.

But Lee Dong-Min tightly wrapped his arm around my shoulder as if he wouldn\'t let me go.

"Hey, don\'t look at him like that. He\'s off-limits. You know how much Mr. Kang values him."

KNET, a conglomerate subsidiary, owned several entertainment companies including two significant management agencies.

But Ahn Jun-Hee raised his hands in surrender despite his interest in me.

"I guess I have to give up if Mr. Kang cherishes him so much. But I really want Cherry Blossom for the celebration stage in the fourth episode. Is there any way we can make that happen?"

Lee Dong-Min scratched his head and came up with a convincing excuse. "There\'s a government schedule lined up for the girls. They\'re even giving us a commendation and you know it wouldn\'t be fun if we missed that. We could end up getting audited if we\'re seen in a bad light, so please understand."

"Government officials are never helpful."

\'Like he\'s ever helpful himself,\' I thought to myself.

"I\'ll try my best to accommodate the schedule. If it really doesn\'t work out, I might check in with Singer Division 1 and see if we can send Golden Road instead."

Ahn Jun-Hee reluctantly nodded and showed his dissatisfaction. "Well, I guess we could do that if Cherry Blossom is really unavailable."


Ahn Jun-Hee disappeared after waving his hand.

Lee Dong-Min let out a sigh of relief before speaking. "Let\'s just sit back and watch. We can\'t see Kang Ha-Na or Kang Du-Ri until the stage is over, right?"

"Yes, sir."

Lee Dong-Min and I took our seats in the designated area for officials and waited for the filming to start.

Soon, the filming began. While studio shoots usually involved around seven cameras, this set had a staggering 20 cameras deployed.

"Trainee number one, Choi Ji-Min, please enter."

Following the MC\'s call, the first idol trainee stepped onto the stage.

One after another, trainees from well-known entertainment companies like A-Teen, Pledi, Ye-Hwa, SJ Entertainment, Big Star Entertainment, and even Ace Entertainment, took to the stage to showcase their prepared performances.

"Number three isn\'t bad, right? She\'s a promising one from Ye-Hwa. She\'s got a good sense of humor and a nice smile. That one\'s going to make it."

"I\'m betting on number 12. The profile said she\'s been a trainee for five years. You can tell her fundamentals are on a different level. I like the ones who put in the effort."

Staff members were also picking their own favorite members.

Knowing who would survive in the entertainment industry and who would be weeded out, I was itching with excitement. If it weren\'t for the contract durations, I would have wanted to sign several of the talents right away.

Finally, it was Kang Ha-Na\'s turn.

Three tall girls, each averaging 169 cm in height, took the stage with microphones in hand.

"Hello! We are Park Ye-Seul, Choi So-Yung, and Kang Ha-Na from Eyestone Music!"

They were 16-year-old Park Ye-Seul, 17-year-old Choi So-Yung, and 26-year-old Kang Ha-Na.

But while Park Ye-Seul and Choi So-Yung appeared confident, Kang Ha-Na\'s face seemed somewhat dispirited—the noticeable age difference compared to the other two was the reason.

However, in just a few months, the fate of these three would drastically change.

Park Ye-Seul and Choi So-Yung would fail spectacularly despite making it into the debut group of 11, while Kang Ha-Na would spectacularly succeed as a music powerhouse.

But at that moment, I was the only one aware of this fact.

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