
Chapter 373 - The War (I)...

A/N: Before starting the chapter, I wanted to make something clear… After all, if one of the readers has already made this mistake… 

The MC only has four arms, wings, and tails in his Leviathan form…  not his human form. How can someone even reach that conclusion is simply beyond me. 

Second, MC is 7 times bigger than Jupiter when he is, in his Leviathan form. I have no idea how he is going to have sex with his girls with that size… is that even possible???

Now, enough of that… let\'s continue on with the chapter… 


[POV Reo] 

"So, we are going to have a war and there is no way around it?" Banner asked Eric hysterically, after the news of war had spread through Elysium, his cousin decided to join the war effort. I also had something to discuss with Eric…  that is why I came here and found Banner and Eric were already discussing something. 

Banner seemed to be really nervous and worried about his sister… I guess, not being on the run had a significant effect on his personality in this Universe… Bruce Banner from the movie Universe wouldn\'t have shied away from a conflict if someone came knocking on his door.

Eric also noticed me and looked towards me… "Ah… Reo, please have a seat" Eric greeted me and offered me a seat… I shrugged and sat down. 

"Now, Mr Banner, you won\'t achieve anything by complaining to me…  you should be talking with your cousin" Eric said with a thin smile on his face… Banner tried to refute but after a few seconds, he nodded his head and got up from his seat. 

"Um… thank you for giving me your time" Banner said in a polite and respectful tone and left the office but not before giving me a few glances… Banner…  I don\'t swing that way, this is why I don\'t read people\'s thoughts. 

"...I have been trying to reach you for a few days… please tell me you know what is actually happening out there… I need to tell my people something…" Eric spoke in a desperate tone… this isn\'t like Eric… I have never seen him like this. 

"Yes…  I know what is happening out there" I said monotonously. A relieved smile appeared on Eric\'s face and he leaned back in his chair. 

"You have no idea how stressful it has been for me since the fleets have started to gather at our doorstep… citizens are really worried and scared, after all, most of them remember how the humans have treated them before they were brought here and I had to calm them down…" Eric said while rubbing his temple… I guess I can understand why he is feeling so desperate now. 

"Yes, politics and kingdom management can be nerve-wracking" I said with an amused look on my face. That is why I avoided the responsibility… haha..!! Lucky me!! 

"You simply have no idea…" Eric muttered with a defeated look on his face. 

"So, why did you decide to meet Banner??" I asked him curiously… if he was that busy then he should have avoided the meeting, right?

"I have no idea how much control he has over his inner giant green monster… so I had to meet him… I couldn\'t afford a rampaging Hulk at this moment inside Elysium" Eric said dryly and what he said makes a lot of sense. 

"So, how are the kids??" I asked Eric and a genuine smile appeared on his face. 

"...I have no idea how I should thank you… I mean I didn\'t even know about them and we are currently working on the dynamics of the family…" Eric said with a smile on his face. "Now, tell me what is happening out there…" Eric asked once again so I told him everything I knew.

Information is important in every war and he needed information so that he could calm down his soldiers… I have already received a lot of information from Dora and I was also using my Omnipresence to keep an eye on their progress. 

I could already sense that they were preparing an entourage for negotiations… Well, they were going to make outrageous demands so that War breaks out… they were going to do this just because it was tradition.

After that, I finally left his office… Was it necessary?? No. But it was fun watching Eric make dumb faces while I was giving him the information. I finally arrived in the air and kept watching the whole fleet intently…  it has been three days since I have killed Dormammu and saved Flavia\'s life.

Flavia decided to get an apartment in Elysium after she left a heartfelt message for her students… she wanted them to think that she had kicked the bucket… so that they don\'t bother her any longer. I sensed someone\'s presence beside me and I didn\'t even need to look to know who the person was. 

"I feel really bad for them" Luna said with a saddened look on her face. 

"Most of them are going to die simply because of the greed and stupidity of some people…" Luna said and smiled solemnly. "I guess this is what human nature is… the people in power always want more power… I have always known this" Luna said and intertwined her fingers with mine. 

Neither of us said anything after that. The two of us simply spent the rest of our time in silence…

[POV Nat] 

So it\'s finally starting… a thought appeared inside my head as soon as I saw the notification on my phone… "Did something happen?" Yelena asked when she noticed me checking my phone. 

"Yes, it is starting… they have finally dispatched the group of negotiators…" I said and pulled up the video feed on my mobile… most of the Widows have decided to sit out of the war… they simply wanted to get away from all the death and killing. 

But there were some like my sisters who wanted to be a part of the war effort… I only agreed because there was a huge chance that they wouldn\'t even get to fight in the war… but they didn\'t need to know that. The video feed was coming directly from Momo\'s satellite grid. 

"This is meaningless war" Gamora said in a bland tone and Nebula also agreed with her. 

"Yes, you can say that… they always wanted to gain control over the Meta-Humans… they simply needed an excuse to justify the attack…" I said dismissively… yes, they might be attacking because Reo took the Space Stone but that\'s simply an excuse… 

Another notification pinged on my phone… so, our group of negotiators also departed. Along with the Meta-Humans, Jennifer Walters was also there… she was a lawyer and she can turn into a green muscular woman if needed… that\'s a plus point. 

"Are those metal suits?? Did they really bring metal suits even after they knew Leviathan\'s power of controlling metals??" Yelena asked with a bewildered and gobsmacked look on her face. 

"Ah… yes, they are pretty stupid but that won\'t be why they are going to be defeated…" I said cryptically. After all, I knew that Rumi and Hela were going to fight… Rumi is a battle maniac… but Hela, she is in a completely different league of her own. 

She is not only a battle maniac, but she is also an insane warmonger… I had seen her handiwork with my own eyes. "Hey, Nebula!! That\'s you!" Gamora exclaimed while pointing towards a screen. 

"Is that really me?? She looks like the stupid and dumb version of me…" Nebula said in a thoughtful tone while she was intently staring at the screen. 

"They also have a huge lineup of superhumans… is that Captain America??" Yelena said while looking at the same screen where Nebula and Gamora had been looking. 

"Yep… that\'s him. It has been two weeks since they found him and Fury had already sent him to fight… I didn\'t expect anything else from Fury…" I said while shaking my head… I have already decided to kill him and Reo has said that he has no problem with that. 

The two groups of negotiators finally arrived in front of the barrier… on one side we had negotiators of Elysium while on the other side we had negotiators of the Human army… just as expected they made outrageous demands and there was no way that someone could agree to such demands… 

Thankfully no one attacked… even though it would have been useless with the barrier. Since we didn\'t reach an agreement the war was about to break out. I opened my contact list and called Momo. 

She accepted the call. "Turn off everything" that was all I needed to say and Momo cut the call after that. This was our secret plan and no one knew about our plan except our family. Reo knew about this but he wasn\'t going to tell Eric about it. 

Momo started to turn off everything and I meant everything… According to Momo the barrier generator won\'t have any problems so it was going to stay up but everything except that was going to be turned off… nobody outside our family knew about this because Momo had a secret terminal to the whole power grid of Elysium. 

We have built Elysium… there is no way that we won\'t have any secret backdoors… all of a sudden the power went out… it wasn\'t just for me… it happened throughout the whole island… I calmly turned off my mobile and put it inside a lead box along with my main laptop. Now, everything depends on Dora… 

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